As the entire world puts the breaks on life as we know it, cosies up inside and ignites the slow mode, we are suddenly rediscovering (or discovering for the first time) an array of hidden talents, handicrafts and hobbies that bring us joy.
Our girl Mia (over at @weekendswithsadie) has been embracing the relaxed pace of life in ISO with her little tribe, taking a hands on approach to parenting, motherhood and learning alongside her two gorgeous children Indie and River.
She has put together this super easy, low cost (and insanely satisfying) crafter-noon activity that you can do with or without kids! Tip - on your next walk out in nature, collect some naturally fallen flowers, leaves, pinecones & twigs - they make the best tools and impressions for Terracotta crafting.
Terracotta Clay - you can find these in small packs / slabs at most bargain stores, craft stores or hardware store. Available in both white clay and the rich earthy terracotta you see used below.
The tools you need will really depend on the style of pieces you are planning on creating. The possibilities really are endless however some basics you may find useful are; Scrapbook Stamps, objects from nature for impression stamping, clay tools if you wish to purchase some, cookie cutters, rolling pin. Mia created a beautiful trinket bowl, 2 incense holders and a hamsa hand plate.
Mia has used a scrapbook stamp she found at her local thrift shop, a shell collected at her local beach and a skewer / stick to carve out freehand designs.
We would love to see your clay creations - tag us!!